Our mission is to provide young children with a secure and loving atmosphere in which to grow, develop a positive self-image, and learn the joy of Jewish life.

B'tzelem Elohim

Created in God's Image

No two people think or act the same. We are all unique, and each person is worth the entire world.




With respect at the core of every interaction, we develop trusting relationships and a safe atmosphere in which we can grow.



We are part of a unique community that shares values, which deepen the meaning of everyday experiences for our families.



Learning inspires growth and reflection, which leads to discovery. As lifelong learners, our minds remain open and we are empowered.

Tikkun Olam

Repair the World

Our work to repair the world is the responsibility of our whole community, from our youngest to our most senior stakeholders. We can all strive to make our world a better place.


Charlotte Jewish Preschool is a non-profit early childhood program located on Shalom Park that provides high-quality half- and full-day educational programs within an enriched Jewish environment. CJP instills a love of life-long learning and Judaic values in its students, staff, and parents. CJP builds the foundation of children’s learning and bridges relationships in our Jewish community; connecting families through learning, collaboration, and enrichment.

We are dedicated to providing a secure and loving atmosphere so that young children can develop a positive self-image and grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially. We welcome children of all religions, and we are dedicated to instilling within each child an excitement towards learning and a joyful attitude toward Judaism.

As a result of our educational approach and strong community connections, our students thrive at school, at home, and in the community. We are proud that our students move confidently and successfully to their next level of education, while always remembering the lessons of family and community first learned here at CJP.


Charlotte Jewish Preschool began in the 1950s as Temple Israel’s nursery school. In 1988, Temple Beth El joined with Temple Israel to formally create CJP. Charlotte Jewish Preschool's naming and partnerships are noteworthy because CJP was one of the first preschools in the country to be jointly owned by two differently affiliated synagogues. CJP’s ability to successfully bring together different religious traditions continues to make our school distinct. In 2002, The Levine Jewish Community Center joined the synagogues as a partner in CJP to strengthen and enhance community resources. In 2012 Charlotte Jewish Preschool became its own 501c3 and is currently overseen by a Board of Directors.

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